Reviews &
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Please keep in mind that the testimonials shown below are from actual patients in this office, and reflect Atlas Orthogonal procedures and results. This type of review may not be an accurate review of results achieved by other chiropractic disciplines.
~ Dr. Laurel Griffin
E. Reha
I have been dealing with random vertigo and weakness, fatigue spells for over 13 years. I would have bouts of 5-6 months of continuous, everyday vertigo that would leave be bedridden and unable to function at all (These attacks would last hours and sometimes even days). After several doctors, clinics, tests, labs, and trips to large city hospitals, I was left to deal with it with no answers, no medication that relieved symptoms, and basically no hope that I’d lead any sort of functioning life moving forward. Most recently, after the birth of my 2nd son, I began having daily spells again. For 2 months, I suffered through and visited a few more doctors to no avail. Again, I succumbed to the idea of this being my new normal. Sadness that I wouldn’t be able to play with my 2 young boys, or drive anywhere on my own, or even get outside for a walk without fear of a spell hitting. Someone recommended I check out Dr. Griffin’s page via facebook. At 11:30 at night, I sent a request for an appointment and was seen within a couple of days.
The day of my first treatment, I suffered a spell right before I was supposed to go. I found and a ride and made it to my appointment. Within minutes, I felt relief and was able to continue about my day. I have been seen Dr. Griffin for 2 weeks and have had only 1 attack since then. The attack this time around lasted only about 30 minutes and was much less severe.
I will never be able to tell you how grateful I am for what she has done. While I may never get rid of the spells 100%, the fact that they are minimal and I can still continue my daily routines is such a gift!
Dr. Laurel is compassionate and truly cares how you are feeling and wants to help you improve. I’ve never one time felt as though she was just a “doctor” working her job. She truly wants you to improve and feel better!
Jen at the front desk is fabulous and friendly and always welcomes you with a smile!
The pain in my shoulders and back is something that I have become accustomed to throughout the years. I honestly started to get used to the pain. I also suffer from anxiety and allergies, which cause me to feel fatigued, exhausted, and worn out. I have never gotten a chiropractic adjustment before seeing Dr. Laurel. After the first atlas orthogonal treatment, the pain was almost entirely gone! After one treatment, I was much more in tune and aware of my body. I felt that my body was finally able to get some relief from the pain it was carrying around for so long. After multiple treatments, I am much more calm, relaxed, and I have a new sense of ease within my body. My energy no longer goes to dealing with pain, which feels like a huge weight lifted off of me. My allergies are also much better. I used to have days when I would have allergy attacks and I do not have those days anymore. I also sneeze and blow my nose less often. My anxiety has lessened significantly as well, which provides me with more energy to put toward other things in my life. I practice yoga weekly and after seeing Dr. Laurel, my practice is much easier. I believe the health of my spine has benefited my yoga practice significantly. I am so grateful for Dr. Laurel and the treatment she provides. There is no other treatment that I have tried that has given me the results that Dr. Laurel and Atlas Orthogonal treatments have provided me. It has truly provided me with the health and well-being that I have been searching for.

5 Stars
I have felt better than I have in years after going to see Dr. Griffin. I had been suffering from almost daily headaches for over a year. After several sessions with Dr. Griffin, my headaches were completely gone. The method that she uses is different than traditional chiropractic methods of manipulation/cracking and it’s more effective. After doing a series of x-rays to determine what’s out of alignment, a very precise and unobtrusive method is used to re-align. You can tell that Dr. Griffin cares about how you are feeling and is working on your side to get you well. While this method is not as widely used in the chiropractic field, I truly believe it’s the most effective in getting the spine aligned and the body healthy.
A. Boggs
Laura Olsen
I have never had a chiropractor be able to stop one of my headaches when I’m in the middle of it, but Dr Griffin did–without “popping” or cracking. The Atlas Orthogonal technique is painless, and has zero negative side effects, unlike the numerous medications I’ve had to take over the years to treat my migraines. My migraines have dramatically decreased and Dr Griffin has continued to be patient and thorough with my treatment plan. She is genuinely interested in total healing and I’m very thankful that I found her.
Cathy Bumann
Laurel Griffin had changed the way I look at chiropractic care altogether! I used to get popped and cracked at a chiropractor years ago and quit going because it kinda freaked me out. Then I met laurel! She barely touches me and I feel amazing! I don’t have a diagnosis of anything but I have a body of a 15 year gymnast that has definitely taken its till on me! My low back and neck have given me problems for years and until laurel NO ONE could make me feel better! I used to be completely debilitated for days with heat and ice packs and told to take Vicodin for pain. (Not a big medicine taker). Since seeing Laurel I haven’t been debilitated at all! She’s amazing and I can’t recommend her enough!!!!
Peg Hobson Dahlke
I cried from the emotion of it all. I had one adjustment and I am pain free in my neck for the first time in at least 6 years!!! My neck was injured in a car accident over 10 years ago and it has been getting progressively more and more painful. I am looking forward to healing now thanks to Dr. Griffin. She is very professional and takes the time to explain what she is doing and why. That in itself is a comfort. I am so thankful I stumbled on her page on Facebook and took a chance. Before this treatment I sought help from a regular chiropractor, acupuncture, massage, and even physical therapy. All did some good but never took away the pain. If you have any doubts, call me, I’ll tell you to go see her!!
Jason Hart
I have had pressure and popping in my ears for years. I used to take allergy shots, but the popping and pressure never went away. The first time I got adjusted by Dr. Laurel, my ears began to drain and the popping stopped. Also – pains I didn’t know I had in my neck and back went away. I had no idea I could feel this good!
Jeff Beeson
After 20 years in the granite countertop industry, I tried different chiropractors that made me feel good only for a couple of days. I just quit going. One visit to Dr. Laurel Griffin and I walked out without the pain I walked in with. The pain has not returned since.
Kay Barnes
I came with dark glasses, a fierce migraine headache, and left in less than 15 minutes without glasses and NO migraine. The treatment is safe, painless, no chemical side effects, and affordable. I couldn’t believe how easy the treatment was after trying so many other options in my 35 years of migraines.
“I hope you know that I think Dr. Laurel is the best ( and I have been to many Chiropractors)! I hope to seen you again soon.”
Stars: 5 out of 5
Rating: 10 out of 10
I have tried many chiropractors over the years in an attempt to alleviate my neck and back pain. Dr. Griffin is the only one who has been able to get to the base of my problem by starting with my atlas. I feel better with her specialty chiropractic care.
“I always feel so much better after my treatment.”
Stars: 5 out of 5
Rating: 10 out of 10
I’ve spent over Two years living with chronic pain in my joints, deep pain in my muscles, as well as chronic fatigue. In that time I have seen 3 rheumatologists, and nine various specialists in seven trips to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. I was checked for blood diseases, autoimmune diseases, various chronic pain illnesses, joint scans, parasite tests, bone scans, allergy tests, and enough x-rays to make me “glow in the dark.” I have finally found relief with the Atlas treatments from Dr. Griffin. In just my first couple treatments I already have less pain, the deep muscle pain is gone, I can think clearer, better circulation, and am in all around better moods. Dr. Griffin has started me on the path to getting my life back and being able to function like a normal human being.
I was referred to Dr. Laurel for severe low back pain. Bending over to take care of my cat or doing any other every day simple task would cause severe pain and sometimes my back would seize and I would drop anything that was in my hand. Needless to say filling the cat’s water dish was a daily mess! I found relief after the first visit! The next day was the first time in a long time I could do simple chores without pain and making additional work. I’ve enrolled in the program and after eight visits, the aches and pains I attributed to old age are GONE! It wasn’t old age after all. I was out of alignment. I’m able to do things I haven’t been able to do in years. My no longer wet cat and I am forever grateful to Dr. Laurel.
Lindsey Meyer Menninga
What a blessing it has been to have found someone so skilled in her trade!! I have been an advocate of chiropractic care for years, however recently become leery of the traditional “twist and pop” methods of most chiropractors. I have suffered from migraines for all of my adult life and Dr Laurel has managed to help me get them under control! I am currently pregnant and work on my feet all day, and with gentle and efficient care from Precision chiropractic, I am able to do so with minimal pain. I recommend Dr Laurel to people all of the time! Do your body a favor and seek treatment today!
Rating: 10 out of 10
The doctor explained everything very well. I could always tell a noticeable improvement when I left the office. The course of treatment has held true to the healing process. I was completely oblivious to what the chiropractic process is. Dr. Griffin was patient and was very happy to answer all of my questions. My back pain is gone going into the 5th week of treatment!
Thank you!

Jacqueline Pohl
My son was having chronic ear infections, and doctors were starting to talk about putting in tubes. We had several friends with kids suggest chiropractic care. We chose Dr. Laurel because we liked the gentleness of the adjustments for a child. We started adjustments after several consecutive ear infections between 6-12 months of age. We have continued regular appointments and it has paid off. He has only had one infection since that was easily cured. He never had tubes put in. He just turned 3. We consider this a huge success and are grateful for a happy, healthy boy (and we enjoy getting to sleep at night again too!)
Erica Peterman
Thank you so much for introducing me to AO and putting me on the right track to recovering my health. I am so familiar with my symptoms when my atlas goes out now….. the migraines, difficulty swallowing, and shortness of breath! I can tell almost immediately when I’m out. Luckily, I know that I can also find relief from those symptoms with my AO adjustments. Thank goodness or I would have been having a “painful” Easter Break! Have a good weekend!
Jane Copeland – Van Meter
For years I was in severe pain every time I moved my neck. I sat at my desk in tears many days. Then I got adjusted with this technique and my whole life changed. Regular adjustments keep me from having the severe pain and allow me to do the things I want to do instead of just sitting around in misery. AO (atlas orthogonal) and Dr. Laurel gave me my life back!
Dr. Griffin was very knowledgeable and provided service beyond a normal adjustment. Her guidance was given in a friendly manner that was easy to understand. She also showed that she truly cared about my individual well being, which is appreciated.
Stars: 5 out of 5
Rating: 10 out of 10
David W. Griffin
I can feel the “whoosh” as my head and ears clear after your adjustment and I can feel everything relaxing. You got it.
Natalie Natbot
“I have not suffered a migraine since becoming a patient of Dr. Laurel’s, and I no longer require surgery on my neck thanks to her Atlas Orthogonal and Activator methods. Thank you!”
Andrey Alferov
I workout a lot and do Olympic lifting. I used to have sore neck and shoulders all the time during my workouts and I felt disappointed because I was not able to perform to the best of my abilities due to pain. The other problem I had was my lower back – in the mornings I had to lay on a pillow for awhile to ease the pain. Also, from time to time I had a numbing sensation in different part of my body – my fingertips, between shoulder blades, under the knee cap.
Then I saw Precession Chiropractic online ad and decided to give it a try. I’ve never used chiropractor’s help before and I guess I’m lucky my first adjustment ever was done by Dr. Griffin. At first I was skeptical but after a week or two I noticed my pain went away. After a 3 month treatment plan I can say that it was one of the best decisions related to my health I could make . Now I go to the gym without the anticipation of pain and wake up as cool as a cucumber.
Nikki Burkenbine
“Dr. Griffin’s passion for the Atlas Orthogonal technique shines through with each and every patient she takes care of. Atlas work not only changed Dr. Laurel’s life but changes so many of the lives of her patients as well. While precepting (interning), I was able to see a gentleman on disability from work for the past 3 months due to a migraine return to work after only a week of adjusting C1 only, an elderly woman suffering with severe vertigo spells ever few minutes sit in her chair and not have a single episode of vertigo after just a couple weeks of care as well as countless others having their quality of lives returned. The patients Dr. Laurel saw were having significantly less frequent headaches, trigeminal neuralgia pain controlled, dizziness gone, numbness in the face and hands gone, as well as general overall wellness taking place. Atlas work is amazing and powerful and its impact cannot be ignored.”
Dr. Laurel Griffin
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in my early 20’s. I had severe muscle and joint pain, fatigue, migraine headaches, tunnel vision, mental fog, difficulty focusing my eyes, etc. Nothing helped until I was adjusted with this technique at age 23. My life changed that day. For the first time in years I was pain free and my mind was clear. I continued to heal over the next few years, and now at age 30 I feel better than I did at 20! My life was changed forever by this technique, so I became a chiropractor myself!
I get muscle spasms in my back from sitting at a desk all day, but was afraid to go to a chiropractor that would twist and pop my back. Now I don’t have to! When I get a spasm, all I have to do is come to see Dr. Laurel and she fixes me right up! I don’t even have to tell her where the spasms are, she knows just by checking my back! It is amazing!
Dr. Griffin is a very kind, caring and compassionate person. She is patient and deeply cares about the welfare of her patients. She listens and delivers treatment for their symptoms in a very thorough manner. All in all, she is a wonderful person to work with and I would highly recommend her to others. In fact I already have recommended her to others and hope they follow up as they will receive the same great care that I got. Thanks Dr. Griffin!
I felt great after my visit to Dr. Griffin. She also scanned my feet for new Foot Leveler insoles. Foot Levelers have really helped with my foot pain. Thanks Dr. Griffin.
Stars: 5 out of 5
Rating: 10 out of 10
I have spent the last couple of years with fatigue and low stamina which progressed to twitchy nerves and muscles, confusion, light headedness, sensitivity to sharp sounds, disrupted sleep, loss of appetite and weight loss, neck and back aches, stiff joints, tingly feelings in my extremities, as well as other symptoms. The symptoms were so bad that I had to go to the Emergency Room twice.
As I had always been healthy and very active, these symptoms upset me very much, so much so that my primary doctor prescribed anti-anxiety medication until he could figure out a diagnosis. Meanwhile just normal everyday activities were difficult to perform. I had to use a cane and a short walk to the mailbox as a major effort.
I underwent many tests, including x-rays, CAT scans, PET scans, EKG, colonoscopy and endoscopy, and many blood tests. In the last six months I have been examined by three primary physicians and specialists in gastroenterology, neurology and ophthalmology. All test results came back negative and my primary doctor could not find a reason for my symptoms.
After feeling a hard spot at the base of my skull on the right side, I googled “head to spine connection” and came up with the website “”. The author’s story impressed me so I reviewed his list of chiropractors in my area that specialized in upper spine corrections. Dr. Griffin’s qualifications, equipment, procedures and experience stood out above the rest and although there were many chiropractors closer to me, I chose to go to her.
After initial x-rays, I found that my spine and the upper spine in particular was in such bad shape that other than Dr. Griffin’s technique, surgery would be the only option to correct it. Her highly specialized process was a methodical series of consistent adjustments that resulted in significant improvements in my symptoms. The procedure that Dr. Griffin uses involves no popping or cracking of the spine but instead uses specialized equipment that painlessly makes the adjustments. After my initial adjustment, x-rays showed a definite improvement in my spinal condition and alignment.
After just one month of treatments many of my symptoms are gone or diminished. The damage to my spine didn’t happen overnight and the healing if it will take time, discipline and patience. Dr. Griffin is very patient, professional, competent and straightforward in her analysis and treatment of spinal problems. I am looking forward to continued improvement and realize that spinal care will always have to be a priority for me. I would highly recommend Dr. Griffin to people for their spinal treatment and care as the results for many can be life-changing.