We can help most fibromyalgia patients by getting to the root cause of their symptom
Fibromyalgia literally means “muscle pain.” As stated on WebMD,
“Fibromyalgia syndrome affects the muscles and soft tissue. Symptoms include chronic muscle pain, fatigue, sleep problems, and painful tender points or trigger points, which can be relieved through medications, lifestyle changes and stress management.”
Two things can be noted from this definition.
- No cause or disease process has been linked to Fibromyalgia by the medical community. The most that is described in literature and advertising for fibromyalgia references “overactive nerves.” But what causes the nerves to become overactive?
- Because no cause has been linked to Fibromyalgia, there is no effort to correct the cause. Medically, symptoms are covered up by pain medication.
What we normally find in fibromyalgia cases is a condition called craniocervical dysfunction (chiropractically termed upper cervical misalignment or care). The craniocervical area is right at the top of your spine where your neck connects to your skull. Dysfunction in that area consists of injured ligaments, muscles, even dura mater, etc. These structures, when healthy, keep the atlas bone at the top of the spine able to move freely without sliding into positions and structures that it normally wouldn’t or shouldn’t.
When the stabilizing ligaments in the craniocervical junction are injured, they can become painful themselves since they all have pain receptors. Aside from localized pain in the injured tissues, their injury decreases the tensile strength of the ligaments and thereby allows the atlas bone to move into positions that can be inflammatory. In some cases, rotational misalignment of the occipito-atlanto-axial joint has been observed to negatively affect blood flow and or cerebrospinal fluid flow to and from the head. Tethering of the spinal cord and nerve tissues has also been observed in these cases and correlates with pain symptoms associated with Fibromyalgia diagnosis.
Addressing the root cause
Symptoms that can be caused by craniocervical dysfunction include, but are not limited to: head, neck and back pain, trapezius pain, migraines, numbness, tingling, diffuse musculoskeletal pain, brain fog, dizziness, fatigue, and nausea.
These cases normally present with more complicating factors than can mechanically be corrected with a basic traditional chiropractic manipulation. By precisely and carefully working with 8 different factors of misalignment, we can make a gentle correction within the normal range of the joint (no twist or popping) with Atlas Orthogonal procedures to reduce misalignment of the atlas bone. By doing so, we are able to decrease dysfunction in the craniocervical junction and thereby reduce the inflammatory symptoms that result from that dysfunction. In most cases, correcting these misalignments does in fact correct the cause of symptoms. Correction can significantly decrease or eliminate fibromyalgia symptoms in these cases. Put simply, we can help most fibromyalgia patients by getting to the root cause of their symptoms! We can help! See below for just a few of our fibromyalgia patients who have responded well to correction.

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