About Us
Dr. Laurel Griffin
Your Atlas Orthogonal Specialist and Chiropractor
Dr. Laurel Griffin was born and raised in Clinton, IA. She turned down various job offers throughout the country in order to return home to Iowa to start her practice. Dr. Griffin chose the Des Moines area because of its opportunity, comfort, friendliness, and vibrancy.
Dr. Griffin graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic with the class of October 2006. She is a member of the oldest chiropractic organization in the world, Sigma Phi Chi Professional Chiropractic Sorority. While at Palmer, Dr. Griffin held the positions of Philosophy Chairwoman, House Manager, Chaplain, and Vice President of the sorority.
She was also active in the Atlas Orthogonal Club on campus for 3 1⁄2 years. Throughout that time, Dr. Griffin held the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the A.O. Club. During her time at Palmer she spent extra time studying the Atlas Orthogonal Technique, making numerous trips to study with the founder of the technique, Dr. Roy Sweat in Atlanta, GA. Through a series of advanced seminars and board certification classes, she became one of approximately 375 doctors world wide who are Board Certified in the Atlas Orthogonal Technique (BCAO.) Near the end of her formal education, Dr. Griffin was given the opportunity to intern with the founder of A.O., Dr. Roy Sweat. She is Proficiency rated in Activator Methods, and maintains her certification and education within Atlas Orthogonal technique standards. Dr. Griffin opened Precision Chiropractic West in April of 2007, and continues to help as many people as she can throughout the community.
Dr. Griffin has the distinct advantage of having personal experience with debilitating health conditions that were eliminated by Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic.
Professional, Business, and Civic Organizations
- Member of the Sweat Institute for Atlas Orthogonality
- Board Certified Atlas Orthogonality
- Member International Chiropractic Association’s Council on Chiropractic Pediatrics
- Alumni Member of Sigma Phi Chi Professional Chiropractic Sorority
- Member of Lutheran Church of Hope in West Des Moines
- President – Elect and member of multiple committees at Timber Ridge Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization, Johnston, IA
- Volunteer at AHeinz57 Pet Rescue
Awards and Recognition
Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist with Additional Qualifications
- Completed Internship with the renowned Atlas Orthogonal Founder Dr. Roy W. Sweat
- Proficiency Rated Activator Doctor

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